The Adventures of Room 28

Welcome to the Portal to Everywhere!

In this room, we use literature as the foundation to explore worlds of the past, present, and fantastic worlds that only exist in our imaginations!

7th Grade 

7th graders begin their year learning about the elements of plot with Harry Potter. Then they journey deeper into the wizarding world to explore the year long theme of empathy as well as symbolism and literary devices. Through the portal of non-fiction they explore what it takes to be great, the impact of celebrities, and the debate between bottled water and tap water. The holidays are celebrated with writing a narrative as a child in a workhouse in Dickens' London followed up with a journey into character development with A Christmas Carol. The end of the year brings the adventure into the dystopian society of Panem. Students compete in a classwide competition as they learn about dystopian society, reality tv, and survival.

8th Grade

8th graders begin their journey by exploring Social Media. Then they learn about how other children their age live around the world right now with I Am Malala. Halloween presents the perfect time to explore the horror of Edgar Allen Poe and write scary stories. Then students travel to the Alaskan wilderness to learn about anger, forgiveness, Circle Justice, and Native American culture in Touching Spirit Bear. A journey back in time with The Outsiders helps students explore themes like identity, social class, and empathy. 8th graders wrap up their year in Anne Frank's attic learning about the goodness that can be found in people, especially when times are dark.

In Room 28, our goals are to:

  • Have Fun!
  • Become effective learners!
  • Learn to be advocates for ourselves and our beliefs!

I will be here to guide you  heart